Thursday, August 15, 2013

Can we be done with skinny jeans already?

I just bought these jeans. They are flattering! They are cute! They are comfortable!

They are NOT skinny.

Join me!!
Gap 1969 Perfect Boot Jeans

Seriously, folks. I have to tell you. The ones of you who are not 5'10-yet-size-2 (i.e. myself and everyone I know): your skinny jeans? They're not so flattering. They look weird with shoes. And the worst offense: they have trickled into menswear. THAT is a nightmare.

I don't think we should all be purchasing big old Woodstock wide-flare bell bottoms. Just something that's a bit more universally flattering. You WANT to look like this?

Do you?


Look. If you want to resemble a Weeble, keep drinking the retail Kool-Aid that has you convinced that you look cuter than the Biebs here. Keep some semi-skinny jeans for tucking into tall boots in the wintertime, I'm cool with that. But remember how long it took you to jump on the skinny jean bandwagon in the first place? There's a reason for that.